Cryptocurrency Contribution Form Please complete and submit the following form to initiate a gift of cryptocurrency to the Foundation. Your Name*Please include your first and last name. First Last Your Email Address*What address should we use to send you donation details? If the latter, please click here to provide the information we need for an entity gift. Crypto DetailsAre you giving the cryptocurrency itself, or an entity that contains the crypto as its only asset. Are you giving the cryptocurrency for credit to a PCAF donor advised fund that is existing or that you will create, or with a recommendation for immediate grant to a charity or charities? PCAF fund to be credited, or charity (or charities and percentages or amounts each should receive) to receive immediate grant Name and trading symbol of crypto coin Number of coins AddRemoveComments/special instructionsCAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Need additional assistance? CONTACT OUR TEAM